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PLRPro - is it a good investment?

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PLRPro - is it a good investment?

This program sounds great, but it is costly at $97 a month. I know it has a lot to offer, but once, and I hope I do, start getting money I hope it is enough to cover my costs. Since I have limited budget and I am just starting, do you think I should get this now or wait for later, is it truely a good investment.

Any advice would be appreciated,
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Site Admin
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Hi Mario,

In my books, they're the best PLR site out there. I have absolutely no problem recommending them.

Did you get the email I sent out yesterday? You can get access to PLRPro for two weeks for $1. That should be enough to see if it's worth the money.

You gotta be quick though... there are only 150 memberships available, and I reckon they'll all be gone in the next 24 hours, max.

All the best,
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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I'm interested in signing up , maybe I'm being dumb but I don't quite understand the 200 people per month limit, please could someone expand (since there seems to be no way to contact PLRPro...?). Since it's so good, surley there must be more than 200 subscribers?

Does the subscriber have top re-write each article they receive? - or is there a set of unique articles per subscriber? Thanks
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ok i gottit.
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You should also try the PLR eBook Club. It is the #1PLR Membership site in ClickBank's Marketplace , and is very good in my opinion and personal experience. Alot of high quality content every week, and a variety of niches. like over 400.
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I agree with Mark, is probably the one of the best out there. However, if you are not too confident in it, you can also try outsourcing writers. I'm sure you'll find really cool ones that will complement your need. Cheers!
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Posts: 49
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Hi guys - if I decided to use the project green button would you recommend I also use the website templates/development or stick with the affilo blueprint and do either wordpress or xsite pro and use the pgb as content? Thanks
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Hey Extreme,

You may want to stick with AB recommendations and just use the content from PGB.
Just my 2 cents.

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extreme1 wrote:Hi guys - if I decided to use the project green button would you recommend I also use the website templates/development or stick with the affiloblueprint and do either wordpress or xsite pro and use the PGB as content? Thanks

If you are a newbie I would try Marks blueprint first and if it is way over your head and you feel that you can not upload Marks wordpress template or use Xsitepro then, project green button have thier own site builder.
Having said this, If I had to think about PGB, I would prefer to buy xsite pro and do it myself and learn it.
It's not that hard... just play with it for a week and view 2.0 blueprint xsitepro tutorial.
Of course thier is also outsourcing the job to elance etc and you ad the content.
It all depends on your budget I suppose.
The good thing is, if you try one method and it doesn't work, move on to the next.
It's all a learning experience and that's always a good thing.

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Thanks for the reply's - I will stick with the aff program and make it work!
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I've just cancelled my PLRPro membership because this is much better. When you apply the ClickBank gravity score of > 30 hardly any of their packs qualify. My first Affiloblueprint site has turned out much better than any of my PLRPro sites and I found it less tedious coming up with my own content than rewriting 40 of their PLR articles. There stuff seems better suited for creating AdSense sites and I don't want my fate in the hands of Google who seem to ban too many people from AdSense.
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I'm gonna agree but disagree with marting.

For anyone using Mark L's Clickbank recommendation, stay away from PLRPro. Marting is exactly right.

However, there are 100's of places to find affiliate offers, just to name a major player out there - (CJ) Commission Junction

Every article pack from PLR I wanted to use had affiliate offers in CJ.

I to canceled my PLRPro membership, but it had nothing to do with the articles. I thought well over 90% were well written, I canceled my membership site because "The GreenButton" does not build wordpress sites as advertised.

If you are on your game, organized and use let's say 60 of the plr articles for the price $147.00/mo that comes out to less than $2.50 an article.

A pretty good value in my opinion, now add AMA which is part of the membership site and is $47.00/mo on it's own - smart marketers and there are 1000's of PLRPro members see the value and take advantage every month. $147-47=$100 for the plr articles becomes an even better deal.

Sounds crazy but I stayed as long as I could with them and have little bad to say about them really.

There software for making blogs doesn't work and my understanding never has according to the forum. What upsets me and still does, them knowing this, they go and launch a mega outsourcing venture and who knows what is going on with PGB! ONLY really bad thing I got to say about those guys.

I would be there right now if PGB worked as advertised??....It never has.

The forum is dusty with basically 2 people posting back and forth and the mod in my opinion has a "Better than you attitude" that has ticked off many.

Saying that Daniel took a personal interest near the end and accepted my constructive criticism the way he should have. I REALLY wanted to stay. We communicated daily and it just didn't work (PGB).

I will keep a close eye on PGB and if it ever works I will be on board ASP!

Now saying all that, AF is top dog on its own and really if everyone takes the time to go to GAF and work the article writers I guarantee you can get good articles that with 5 minutes of tweaking will be great articles for $2.00 all day and night that will work beautiful for Clickbank products.

I know this because I have had Maybe 700 to 800 (Guessing) written.

I will answer icj1 question (I know the post is very old but it might help you) - No you do not get articles written for you only. (Think about it)

200 members get access to a set of articles, you will not use all the articles so less than 200 members will use the plr. When you see plr out on the net, maybe 10,000 people will use those articles.... see the value in limiting plr rights to 200 members? Put your spin on these articles and they will be unique.

That's my 2 cents on PLRPro and why I am here and not there.

Good luck everyone and stay focused, the grass is not greener elsewhere.

The magic button is you!
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Sorry but I found myself lost when ajpviking said, "Now saying all that, AF is top dog on its own and really if everyone takes the time to go to GAF and work the article writers I guarantee you can get good articles that with 5 minutes of tweaking will be great articles for $2.00 all day and night that will work beautiful for Clickbank products."

Does AF stand for Affilorama?

What is GAF?

What do you think of the quality of the articles? Can you give us examples of the topics of a month's worth of articles?

Does the social side of it work - twitter, etc?

If you buy into PGB during phase two will you be required to pay more when phase three comes in? Being on a pension the cost is a little worrying.

Thanks for your response in advance.
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well I suppose abbreviations mean different things to different people but I read that as AF = Affilorama and the GAF = Get a freelancer.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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ah, ok, thanks Troy :)
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Sorry everyone and thanks wollowra you are exactly right.

To try and answer your questions Crystal01:

The social side of it (PGB?) works but only if you work it. You must work the social side, there is no bot or software there. You must do it.

Ahh, I will not give you a theme, I don't think Marc or Daniel will be upset -
but I don't feel comfortable doing that.

Here is an exact example though - We can say anything - motorcycles

From there you will get 40 articles on 40 different keyword phrases relating to motorcycles. Motorcycle tires, lights, brands, manuals, clothes, helmets, boots, etc

Now there is some work. You must get the right 40 keywords that will work for you - then you must incorporate those keywords into the motorcycle articles they provide (Rewrite them).

I think the quality of their articles are excellent. As I mentioned in my previous post I believe 99% of the members are there for the articles and AMA (ArticleMarketingAutomation).

If you buy PGB, you get all upgrades included at no charge at least thats how it was last week. 8-)

Now I'm pretty well done promoting PGB. I'm here for Affilorama, actually AffiloBlueprint 2.0. (Which I own).

Here's the bottom line. M.ling has a strategy that is successful, he knows it, I believe it and many others do to.

The lure of automatic wordpress blogs made at the push of a button is toooo appealing, I mean c'mon admit it.

But AffiloBlueprint 2.0 offers the same thing just in M.Lings spin (What works for him).

Thats the catch, AF 2.0 isn't anything thats not been done before (Except maybe the WordPress template that M.Ling includes). Simply put - it's somebodies vision that he went and FINISHED!

M. Ling didn't jump from here to there and become successful and neither will you or I.

Stay the course, follow the instruction, put your nose to the grindstone and DO WORK.

I'm telling you right now, the next PGB, AF 2.0 ETC,ETC, is coming right around the corner. I mean something better always seems to be around the corner - Stop It, if you don't take a stand and build your business you'll be reading these type of posts the rest of your life. When you sick of looking, you will start your journey.

I'm not the best but I don't hang out in forums because I'm to busy either making money, or trying to.

Hope this helps and when I check back in I will try to answer anyone's questions if I can.

good luck.

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