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Increase QS and thus lower CPC on Adwords?

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Increase QS and thus lower CPC on Adwords?

Hi Mark,

I want to ask you something about advertising on Google Adwords.

I'm refering to your blogs subject: Quality Score.

And I'm talking advanced here.

I know many people have been posting comments to not agree with you that page-rank has anything to do with Quality Score.

In the last few days many advertisers on google adwords have seen their CPC go through the roof. Let's say CPC's that went from $0.15 for a certain keyword go to $5 or even $10.

What would you do to lower that CPC without touching your CPC, but by changing landing page, adcopy, and others...?

What are the criteria that determine wether your Quality Score increases or lowers.

I know the main thing is to be relevant, but how?

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belgian wrote:I know the main thing is to be relevant, but how?

Yes, I have the same question. It doesn't seem to make sense. Take a look at this landing page for example (it's not mine). Google must consider it "high quality" for some reason. It has a page rank of 5. I would guess his click prices are not $5 or $10.

I didn't do all the research into it, maybe he's got lots of back links or some high power sites linking to it to boost his PR. If thats the case then we should be able to have landing pages witn almost nothing on them as long as we link to them from higher PR, relivent sites.

What do you guys/gals think?

John T
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that seems ridiculous.That page goes against all we are trying to do as legimitate businesses in trying to increase our page rank and relevancy.No criticism of the product or the people behind it,I don't know anything about that.How can that be?
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Hi Belgian,

I think you will have to alter your tip Wink
They pulled the plug and put the price up Crying or Very sad


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A LOT of top internet marketers have first migrated over to overture and MSN (if they weren't already focussing on them). That's Overture USA and Overture UK (both are great).

It is good not to rely on adwords.

After that, I've had friends shift their pages to their high pr sites and had great success. I have had success with that strategy also. Which is why I hypothesised that pr has some relevancy (how important, I'm not sure, nobody knows for sure).

In addition, many top affiliates that I am in contact with have tried setting up a new google account with success. I don't believe that is a long term solution though and it is an enormous effort if you have to keep setting up new accounts every time google raises your cost per click.

On a side note:

DoubleYourDating has a high pr and have been around for a long time. They have a great number of sites linking to them. Even their affiliates link direct to them as they run their own affiliate program (not through clickbank, etc). Interestingly they pay out 200% per sale. They charge $19.95 for their ebook and pay out $39.95 commissions. Although their terms and conditions state that the customer must purchase within 30 mins for the sale to be credited to the affiliate.
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To reply to what stkeys mentioned.

Always stay positive. I'll keep winking everytime I post.

No, seriously. I think Google is doing the affilliates a favour.

Now that we (most of us) know what is required to increase the QS we will improve our positions in the rankings.

The affiliates that were previously making mistakes by not being relevant
will have a hard time paying too much for their keywords. And some will give up.

The ones that know what to do, to be relevant will be able to lower their CPC and not pay more than before.

So, I think Google Adwords is more than ever worth practicing, because there will be less competition in whatever industry you were in.


belgian :wink:
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