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Adwords - Problems with Flycatcher Page or Squeeze Page

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Joined: 11 Sep 06

Adwords - Problems with Flycatcher Page or Squeeze Page

Right, with Googles new adwords change using a flycatcher page or squeezepage does not work anymore as you just get slammed by the increase in the price of clicks.

Does anyone know a workaround for this? How you can still get a page as such up using adwords with out putting a lot of content on it.

I have tried a test the other week and had around 20 articles linked to it that were keyword rich and written by me. This still got slammed in the cost of adwords after 48 hours. Most of the price of my keywords almost quadrupled!!

It amazes me as there are still "gurus" out there in never never land still advocating the use of this method. But it does not work from what I have seen, read and tested.

Comments? Ideas......
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Hi dhowse,

Here are some things that you can try…

Link to a privacy policy on its own page.

Link to a detailed “Contact Usâ€Â
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Also make sure the page title and H1 tags (and body content) all have the words that you use in your actual ad copy. It has to be relevant.
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Thanks for the help.

I did have more than a dozen articles linked to the landing page. There were all very keyword rich and full of useful content.

I did not though, have a link to an About us page etc that you mentioned.

I also did not have an external links to high authority sites. The actual page was a squeeze/survey page for an ebook I was going to develop.

The aim was to get the questions to make the ebook obviously.

Nothing was offered apart from the adwords ad was designed to give them information and a price for a book.

A copy of the book would be given free to them after being produced.

What have I missed here?


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One last thing - Are you using the same campaign and making the changes on your landing page? If so, try and pause that campaign and create a new one to the new landing page and see if your bids improve.

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No I stopped the campaign as the cost was just getting too high. Initially the costs were great and I thought ok, so the Google changes arent too bad, then 24 hours later KABAM....

Anyway I stopped and deleted this altogether but looking at doing it again later.

I want to focus on this affiliate thing now, but need to sort out about a topic I can write about. I have just finished reading one of the Corey Rudl books from the Internet Marketing package I just purchased from a contact.

Very interesting book. But the same thing, I have hit one of the most difficult problems he writes about in his package. Selecting a topic or something you love. Corey (and Mark Ling) also mention that it is essential and that is obvious but what I cant believe is HOW difficult it can be. Some people find it easy and others a struggle.

I think I fall in to the latter category...

I have watched all of the 90 Day roadmap and now back to square one to DO and watch again.

I am chomping at the bit, have alot of time and a small amount of money but just need to push through this phase.....

I love a challenge :)

I have some other distractions in my life at the moment I am trying to get rid of and hopefully should have them dealt with in the next week for the main one.

But the topic alludes me at the moment.

How did you get started?

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I think we all went through something similar in the initial stages. I spent a lot of money buying all sorts of books and found myself working on multiple projects at one time!

I hit a point when I knew that I needed a plan if this is to succeed, and here I am!

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Posts: 36
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Hi Darryl,

PPC advertising can be tricky, especially with the recent Adwords changes. I'm not sure what niche you're targeting. Is it related to Internet marketing?

The strategy that's worked best for me is building content sites in niches unrelated to IM. I then promote them by writing my own articles and doing SEO. I monetize them with affiliate programs and Adsense. It takes about 6 months to a year for them to get decent rankings and traffic, but once they're going they tend to stick.

I use Adwords to drive traffic initially and since the KWs are less competitive and the sites are higher quality I can get fairly cheap CPC. The Adsense revenue usually covers the Adwords spend and some of this traffic converts to higher paying affiliate sales.

It's a much slower method, but of all the ones I've tried it has the most potential.

Good luck,
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