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Which site should I use to promote affiliates?

Posts: 2
Joined: 24 Aug 06

Which site should I use to promote affiliates?

I just signed up for affiliorama the other day and am pretty excited. I am also currently building my own onlinie retail store for electronics accessories. As soon as I am done with that I am going to start going through the affiliorama lessons and 90 day plan. I just have a quick question. Is it better to use my store site to post my affiliates. Like have a "my affiliates" on that website. Or should I build a separate site dedicated to my affiliates? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Posts: 24
Joined: 25 Aug 06
Hello Ryan and welcome!

Are you selling your own products via your online store? Or are you going through like a wholesaler and reselling?

My opinion and I'm sure Mark and other forum members will make suggestions as well is to build your affiliate site separate from your online store. You'll now have to income streams coming in and one will not be taking away from the other.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 24 Aug 06
They are not my own products, I am reselling through a wholesaler. Thanks for the reply. That's kind of what I was figuring. Two seperate would be better. Thanks again. Other comments are welcome.
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Posts: 11
Joined: 31 Aug 06
My suggestion is separate between content and product site...
Content site to get traffic and product site to convert the traffic.

So you build and optimize each site with the right strategy :)

Hope it helps

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