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Demographics - How Do You Determine The Mindset of a Group?

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Joined: 24 Apr 09

Demographics - How Do You Determine The Mindset of a Group?

Hi all. I'm struggling with something. When I did market research for a particular niche, I came up with this info on the demographics for this niche for a product I'm selling on clickbank:

Age - Young adults 18-24
Race: African American
Gender: Female with Males following closely behind
No children
college educated

Okay - so my problem is, how do I get into the head/minds of these people? I keep asking myself "how does this particular group think?" "What kinds of recreational activities do they participate in? Why would these particular people want to buy the product?

I can't come up with any answers. I was taught that the most important question you can ask yourself before promotion a product is to ask Who and Why. I have the Who part down. I just can't come up with the why.
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Joined: 16 Oct 09
Hi Shalisha,

One way to 'get in the minds of your prospects' is to go where they are, to listen, soak up their language, learn what makes them happy, what makes them sad etc.

Now the usual way an R&D department does this is through million dollar focus groups, survey campaigns, and even launching 'test' products/services, unfortunately most of us don't have that sort of budget for that stuff, but thanks to our 'internet world' that we affiliate marketers play in, we have tons of free options (other than paying with our time):

Options like:

-Forums (Get involved in their discussions, always seeking to learn or help of course.)
-Blogs (comment sections, if the poster hit the nail on the head in the post, you'll know it in the comments.)
-Social Networks (Twitter, Facebook etc., warning, a big time waster when not careful, get what you need and get back to work lol.)
-Product/Service Reviews (They already spent money! These are the ideal customers.)

Amazon reviews for example are gold, this is where you can figure out what helped them with a problem or not, and most of the time they reveal their true emotions in their reviews (you'd be surprised at what folks get passionate about). These people have already bought something that you may want to sell them, so it's like having a time machine and going into the future to see what works and what doesn't, and what keywords and phrases to use in your marketing, what language they use e.g. is it 'easy' or 'fast' that they like best.

A quote I Like:
"What kind of person does your prospect BECOME when they purchase your product or service? Is your advertising set up to support this message?" -Glenn Livingston Ph.D. - payperclicksearchmarketing.com

Hope this helps.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
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Thank you very much. This is extremely helpful!! How long do you spend on market research?
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Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
As long as it takes to answer the questions,
Can I make money here?
What's the competition like? (SEO/Paid)
Is the traffic scalable?
Can I keep pumping out new content for it? (i.e. 'butterfly catcher nets' might be hard to produce content for long term.)

if yes, then do the demographics,

'Head Demographics'
age, gender, income, etc.

'Heart Demographics'
problems, fears, dreams, ideal mind picture solution, etc.

If I can create a site, fill it with content, create a product/service around it eventually, build a list, and get traffic to it without a giant budget busting sole killing struggle, I think it would be good to go for it and fail fast or succeed.

Another way to test if I'm done researching for say, knowing who my ideal prospect is, is if I can write a full long form sales letter draft, with most of what goes into a sales letter (the offer, value, headline, the lead, story, bullets, hook, etc.) off the top of my head (or from notes), if I can't then I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle yet and need more data. What really is going to mess with your head is that, the 'guru' I learn from says to do research for a sales letter in 20min. or less!

Really though even if you have a winner you should always be researching and developing new things on-going.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 476
Joined: 24 Apr 09
Thank you Andrew. That's a lot to take in, but helpful.
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Warm Regards,



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