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Changing my Clickbank Password?

Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Jun 06

Changing my Clickbank Password?

Hi, I recently got a Clickbank account and they send you a password, but I can't seem to find a way to change the password to something I can actually remember. Don't they offer that option or am I just blind?


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Site Admin
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Joined: 13 Jun 06
Wow, they used to allow it, doesn't seem to be there now. You'll have to email them to change it.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Joined: 15 Jun 06
Yeah, its pretty annoying but maybe its for security reasons...

Thanks for looking into it.
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Posts: 17
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Yes. its not so user friendly and it defeats the whole purpose of having a secure password which only you know should know. I've also requested them to reset mine a week ago via email. Well, at least now they have added the search function which in the past you can only do it with a program call Affiliate Alert.

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Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Jun 06
I went through their new password thing, and here is what i found out after numerous emails.

I basically forgot my password and when i hit forgot password it reset it to a random string.

That new string is now your password PERIOD. The only way to change it is to click Forgot password again, in which case, you get a new random string.

I emailed back and forth for a week asking how i can choose my own password until someone who actually knew their new system responded that this is no longer allowed and you are stuck with these random passwords that clickbank generates.

So when you forget your passord (which you will because its a garbage random characters), you simply reset it to a whole new random string each time that they choose.
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Posts: 25
Joined: 04 Sep 06
abenyukhis wrote:I went through their new password thing, and here is what i found out after numerous emails.

I basically forgot my password and when i hit forgot password it reset it to a random string.

That new string is now your password PERIOD. The only way to change it is to click Forgot password again, in which case, you get a new random string.

I emailed back and forth for a week asking how i can choose my own password until someone who actually knew their new system responded that this is no longer allowed and you are stuck with these random passwords that clickbank generates.

So when you forget your passord (which you will because its a garbage random characters), you simply reset it to a whole new random string each time that they choose.

I think it would be better that you email them your desired password. Else the same whole episode will repeat again and again. Think long term. Can you remember random password? How about if one day you need to check your earning from a remote site? haha...got it? :shock:
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Posts: 5
Joined: 25 Aug 06
I suppose you could write a small script that would send your CB credintials and then direct you to your stats page or what ever. Then you add your OWN password to this script and upload it to your website! Now, you would be able to login to CB with your own password from your website. If your CB password ever changes you would need to update the script of course.
Just an idea.
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